plic ploc. fait l'eau. sur mon crâne. le robinet. ma tête sous. qui coule. ma tête la. baignoire. une balle dans. logée dans. revolver. mon crâne vide. ça goutte. calibre.
plip plop. goes the water. on my skull. the tap. my head under. running. my head the. bath. a bullet. wedged inside. revolver. my empty skull. it's dripping. caliber.
plip plop.
RépondreSupprimergoes the water.
on my skull.
the tap.
my head under.
my head the.
a bullet.
wedged inside.
my empty skull.
it's dripping.
a translation poem
RépondreSupprimerif american
for tap read faucet
& gun barrel for caliber
for sure & maybe
for plip plop drip drop